About us

Danish Student Association for Rocketry was founded in 2016 at the Technical University of Denmark. Since then we have provided a place for students to teach themselves real life rocket science, something which is not taught anywhere in Denmark. We are purely student run, meaning everything from financial book keeping to technical decisions is handled internally by our own members. As such, we try to push the boundaries for what can be expected from a student association by reaching further and higher into the sky than anyone has ever done before us.

DanSTAR started doing rocketry with a different approach than what is normally taken for new rocket clubs. Instead of going for solid or hybrid motors, a few steps were skipped to go directly for the bi-liquid engines. Bi-liquid engines are normally only used in the space industry for the orbital class launch vehicles to due their high efficiency and safety. Unlike the simpler solid motors which cannot be turned off after they have been ignited, bi-liquid allows for precise throttle control using computer actuated valves. DanSTAR is lucky enough to receive huge amounts of support from its partners like DTU and Copenhagen Suborbitals, which has allowed DanSTAR to progress at light-speed to high levels of rocketry, something which increases our own marketability but also provides an amazing learning ground for all of our members. We work on a learn-by-doing basis and our members range from 1st semester bachelor’s to final semester master’s students. This allows for experience sharing across not only study lines but also academical levels.

Our Mission

Our mission is to build a small and scalable bi-liquid rocket capable of completing a full flight event, including recovery. This builds up DanSTARs infrastructure, knowledge, and skills to allow for larger undertakings in the future.

Our Vision

Our vision is to ignite and promote the interest in rocket science and engineering for students by uniting them across the various institutes at DTU and other institutions, where the development of knowledge, expertise, skill and competence is at the core of creating the best engineering graduates for the future of Denmark.

Governance and bylaws

DanSTAR is a fully student-driven association that operates at multiple levels. Twice a year a General Assembly is held, which consists of all the members of the association. At each General Assembly, 7 new board members are elected for the roles: chairmain, vice-chairman, treasurer and two ordinary board members.

The Executive Board is responsible for the overal strategic decisions of the association, finances and external relations. The responsibility of the Advisory Board is to supervice the Executive Board, on any matters that is important in the short term and long term. This Advisory Board consists of 3 senior people, having a life long experince in different fields. 

The Executive board, can create and disband a sub-team, depending on the circumtances and where the association is heading. Each sub-team has a team leader, whose responsibility is to manage the entire team and communicate with the rest of the teams and the board.

The DanSTAR bylaw can be downloaded below both in an english and a danish version.

Vedtægter for Danish Student Association for Rockety
8. revision d. 2. April 2022

Bylaws of Danish Student Association for Rockety
8. revision 2nd of April 2022


Delivery address:
Diplomvej, bygning 373A, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby

Registry address:
Fysikvej Bygning 311 2800 Kgs. Lyngby


Copyright © Danish Student Association for Rocketry 2016 - 2022, all rights reserved.