
At Swagelok we believe in tight connections. It provides security and safety, enabling us to continuously improve and develop our solutions as well as our internal and external working relationships.

We supply tight connections in components such as fittings, tubes, hoses and valves in systems that transports fluids under the most extreme conditions, from the ocean floor to the skies above. This is only possible thanks to tight connections between associates and to our customers, supplier networks and distributors worldwide.

Every day, we go to work and perform a little better than the previous day. This is how we improve ourselves and how we continuously increase the value we provide to our customers. At Swagelok we don’t just live up to the standard of tight connections – we set the standard. This has been the case since 1947 and still is, for even the best can always improve.

Swagelok Danmark is the authorized Swagelok sales and service center for Denmark, Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Ukraine, Belarus and Russia.

Swagelok Danmark forms part of Swagelok’s overall ambition for a global presence with fast delivery of vital components, solutions and services, which our reputation is built on. Swagelok keeps stock of approx. 10,000 item numbers at regional warehouses to guarantee the supply of standard goods within just a few days.

All our components and custom solutions are covered by our unique and exclusive limited lifetime warranty.

PH Spaanteknik A/S is a Danish machine shop, specializing in CNC turning and milling. On top of making high quality products in all sorts of materials, sizes and complexities, we offer both prototype manufacturing as well as full on production runs with large quantities of parts. We do this by having a team of extremely skilled technicians and machinists, as well as a state-of-the-art machine shop, filled to the brim with Mazak machines. On top of this, we’re ISO 9001:2008 certified, documenting our extensive quality control ability.

If you want high quality parts, competitive prices and thorough advice throughout the process, we’re the perfect fit for your next project.

The Danish Technological Institute is a leading research and technology company with 112 years of history. We help our customers in converting the newest knowledge and technology into value. We are experts in production, materials, life science, business, energy, agro technology, meat research and more.

The Linde group produces and distributes the atmospheric gases oxygen, nitrogen and argon, all of which are manufactured in our own air separation plants.

Our product portfolio also ranges from hydrogen, acetylene, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, to shielding gases for welding applications, noble gases and high-purity specialty gases.

Ellehammerfonden er oprettet af fabrikant Hans F. H. Ellehammer til minde om hans far opfinderen og flyvepioneren J. C. H. Ellehammer.

Fonden støtter tekniske museer, flymuseer og udviklingen af de tekniske videnskaber. 

Fonden har ejet virksomheden Ellehammer A/S, som producerede ejektorer og nødbrandslukningsanlæg til især skibe. Virksomheden er i 2017 solgt til Iron Pumps A/S, som har videreført denne produktion under navnet Ellehammer.

Tuborgfondet støtter unge og organisationer, der som os styrker ungdommens muligheder for sammen at udleve deres drømme og handlekraft til gavn for samfundet og dansk erhvervsliv.

At Sanistål we are 1,600 employees who every day do everything that we can to surprise positively. We want every day, to prove that it is the human factor that makes the difference for both the cooperation and the business.


From us you can get everything in the field of plumbing, water and drainage installations, fittings, electrical engineering, tools, machinery, engineering, steel and metal. As an innovative wholesaler, we are always ready to challenge and create new purchasing-, competence- and logistics concepts that develops your competitive power. You can order online or at one of our sellers or you can find what you need in our nationwide retail network.

In addition to a solid and nationwide business in Denmark, Sanistål is represented in the Baltic States, Germany and Poland as a supplier of solutions for construction and industry.


Alumeco is an international trading company founded in 1983 with headquarters in Odense, Denmark. Alumeco is providing aluminium solutions for the metal-consuming industries. As a global supplier and partner we have a far-reaching, international contact network as well as numerous subsidiaries in Europe, North America and China.

Via extensive investments in the company’s physical framework and modern machinery, Alumeco has at its disposal one of the largest stocks of aluminium in Northern Europe, its own coil centre, as well as two fully automatic high rack systems. All these initiatives combined make it possible for us to meet our customers’ requirements and adapt to market developments, and by doing so we always guarantee the best possible service.

With more than 50 years of experience with industrial sensors, Balluff GmbH is one of the worlds leading manufacturers of effective sensor solutions, headquartered in Neuhausen a.d.F. near Stuttgart. Balluff ApS is responsible for the distribution and sales of sensors and automation solutions in Denmark. At Balluff ApS, we offer our customers the most modern electronics, customized solutions and first-class service.


DTU Skylab is the innovation hub located at Lyngby campus at DTU, Technical University of Denmark. We focus on enabling student innovation and entrepreneurship through our three focus areas; student innovation, company collaboration and academia. It is important to us to welcome all DTU students and affiliated students, therefore student innovation include everything from smaller student projects, case solving on courses and student start-ups

DTU has the iniative called “Blue Dot”, which is a portfolio of student-driven undertakings that cross boundaries between study programmes, semesters, and departments. These projects are larger than the individual study plan, the individual semester, but benefits the society. Your engineering skills come into play when you participate in a Blue Dot project. You go from brainstorming to implementation and testing. You can turn your theoretical knowledge into practical application and develop both your technical and personal skills.

Teknologipagten skal styrke danskernes STEM-kompetencer. Formålet med pagten er, at flere skal interessere sig for STEM, uddanne sig inden for STEM og anvende STEM i job.

Med Teknologipagten giver regeringen, erhvervslivet, uddannelses-institutioner, or­ganisationer og andre aktører håndslag på at gennemføre projekter og aktiviteter for at styrke arbejdsstyrkens tekniske og digitale kompe­tencer og spore flere unge ind på STEM­-uddannelser.

Teknologipagten har blandt andet som mål, at 20 pct. flere skal gennemføre STEM­-uddannelser både på faglært og vide­regående niveau. Det svarer til ca. 10.000 flere per­soner med uddannelser på STEM­-området.

På de videregående uddannelser kommer det oveni den stigning, der allerede er på vej. Og på erhvervsuddannelserne skal den faldende tendens i antallet af uddan­nede vendes til en stigning.

Copenhagen Suborbitals is the world’s only manned, amateur space program. Since 2011, we’ve built and flown 4 homebuilt rockets and space capsules from our launch platform in the Baltic Sea, and some day one of us will fly into space. It’s all crowdfunded and nonprofit, and has only come this far because people all over the world donate money that pay the materials, tools and rent.

Our goal is simple: To fly an amateur astronaut into space and safely back. We’re an association of unpaid, volunteering members and we build our rockets in a workshop in Copenhagen, Denmark. That requires many different skills, so we’re a very diverse group, from blacksmiths to rocket scientist. We all do this in our spare time, working regular day jobs on the side. The budgets are microscopic compared to professional space programs, so our guiding principle is to build space craft as simple and cheap as possible.

Dansk Selskab for Rumforskning blev stiftet 20. september 1949, og er i dag et fællesskab for rumaktiviteter i Danmark og for deltagelse i internationalt samarbejde bl.a. gennem medlemskab af den Internationale Astronautiske Føderation, IAF, www.iafastro.org. Selskabet er åbent for nye medlemmer og arbejder med at udbrede kendskabet til rumfart og rumforskning samt at fremme og styrke de internationale relationer og muligheder for danske studerende, institutioner og virksomheder. Selskabet driver hjemmesiden rumfart.dk med information om rumrelaterede emner og nyheder inden for alle discipliner under rumfartsforskning. Selskabet udgiver også magasinet ”Dansk Rumfart”, der indeholder artikler på dansk skrevet af personer der beskæftiger sig professionelt med rumfart og rumforskning. Læs mere her.


Delivery address:
Diplomvej, bygning 373A, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby

Registry address:
Fysikvej Bygning 311 2800 Kgs. Lyngby


Copyright © Danish Student Association for Rocketry 2016 - 2022, all rights reserved.